Life did not take over the world by combat,

but by networking.

—Lynn Margulis

The Food Art Research Network (FAR) is a constellation of established artists and cultural workers engaging with the politics and aesthetics of food. It is a network of living relations that nurtures peer learning, exchanges, and encounters in and beyond the field of art.

FAR is committed to slow cultural work. We are attentive to the metabolic connections across diverse contexts, acknowledging that the relation to food, land, and waterways is allied with practices of culture. As the network maps and unmaps shared interests, we want to create ways to understand and share these connections without collapsing the differences and struggles that also exist.

FAR was established as part of the research platform led by Madeleine Collie while Co-Director of Custom Food Lab (Folkestone), with funding from Arts Council England in 2020. Since its inception in 2020, we have facilitated several annual meetings, collaboratively produced events and encouraged trans-local collaboration.

FAR is entirely self-organised, with various member-supported committees, and we welcome institutional partners that offer structural contributions. Our membership grows primarily through invitation, which helps us maintain a loose structure alongside the collective labours of producing events and moments for public learning.

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Kulin lands and waters on which convenors of the FAR Network are situated and we extend our respect to the Ancestors and Elders of First Peoples on unceeded and colonised lands across all of the territories on which we practice.


Steering Committee: Beatriz Paz, Claire Qualmann, Grace Gloria Denis, Joana Quiroga, Keg de Souza, Madeleine Collie, Rain Wu, Samuel Skinner, Viviana Checcia, Zoe Heyn Jones